I write about Jesus despite the knowledge that He has permitted me, in His sovereign will to be in my affliction because I know that no matter how I am feeling, He is still worthy to be praised. I won’t pretend that I am ok with my current situation because I am not, and being dishonest serves no one. If I pretend that all is good when it is not, how will that help others who are struggling? Following Jesus is not about a feeling, and it doesn’t take away my suffering. I wish it did, but it doesn’t. I continue to write, in spite of how I feel, because there is a world out there that is dying. There is war, violence, racism, rape, murder, abortion, etc. and all those sins are committed by people who will one day stand before a Holy God. At that moment, all sins known and unknown will shown before them- any violations of God’s Holy Law (lies, hatred, lust, blasphemy, fornication, etc.) man will have to give an account for. The penalty for their sin will be paid through their own life. There is no amount of good that can remove a debt to an eternal God. Furthermore, because the law is eternal, the debt owed is eternal.
I write about Jesus despite the knowledge that He has permitted me, in His sovereign will to be in my affliction because I know that no matter how I am feeling, He is still worthy to be praised. I won’t pretend that I am ok with my current situation because I am not, and being dishonest serves no one. If I pretend that all is good when it is not, how will that help others who are struggling? Following Jesus is not about a feeling, and it doesn’t take away my suffering. I wish it did, but it doesn’t. I continue to write, in spite of how I feel, because there is a world out there that is dying. There is war, violence, racism, rape, murder, abortion, etc. and all those sins are committed by people who will one day stand before a Holy God. At that moment, all sins known and unknown will shown before them- any violations of God’s Holy Law (lies, hatred, lust, blasphemy, fornication, etc.) man will have to give an account for. The penalty for their sin will be paid through their own life. There is no amount of good that can remove a debt to an eternal God. Furthermore, because the law is eternal, the debt owed is eternal.
Once we leave this world, there is no reincarnation, no purgatory, no lesser heavens, no second chances. We will stand before God innocent or guilty, and any sin they have ever broken will render a guilty verdict. If you have been paying, attention it means that there will be no one who is innocent before God because even liars will have their part in the lake of fire:
“But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Rev 21:8)
Man loves the idea of a second chance or a God who is at peace with his sin. But all you have to do is look at the cross and see that God is not okay with man’s sin. The cross is evidence that eternal punishment exists. If God did not spare Jesus for our sin, He will not have mercy on us either, especially when we reject the sacrifice of something so precious as His own Son.
The cross stands as our warning and our peace. As long as we have a breath, we can look to the cross, believe the Gospel, and by grace, through faith in Jesus, be forgiven: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) This is the worth of Jesus and why I still write even though I am upset at where I am.
Because Jesus is still King and Savior…my affliction doesn’t change that fact.
So, I write to warn others and worship Jesus. He is worthy of my praise even now…especially now, as I get a tiny glimpse of what He has saved me from. My affliction doesn’t change His glory.
The cross serves as a beacon to anyone who recognizes their sin and desires to be eternally forgiven. Jesus beckons every man to come and be saved. His body hung on the cross to demonstrate His love for us (Romans 5:8)…His love for me. Jesus suffered, died and three days later was bodily resurrected, so that anyone who turns to Him in faith, trusting no one and nothing but the final, finished and perfect work of Jesus on the cross, will be forgiven. He didn’t open a door, He is the door. He didn’t begin a work, He is the work. He isn’t a way, He is the way. He doesn’t share His throne, He alone is King. He is the Alpha, the Omega, the Begining, and the End. He is the First and the Last. There is no greater man than He. No pope, rabbi, cleric, prophet, lama, mystic, sage…there is nothing and no one but Jesus.
So no, I am not joyful. I beg the Lord every moment that He would heal me or send me home. I am in anguish all day long. But right, now I know this, outside of Jesus Christ, I would die in my sin, and this present suffering would pale to what I would face. So I praise Him, yes, I praise Him! His value is infinite, and nothing compares to His worth.
So I write to warn and worship. He is worthy, amen, and amen.
“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
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