“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:34
One of the struggles of my injury is that I have a hard time filtering my thoughts right now. Ruminating thoughts try to monopolize my mind and fear can rise up within my spirit quite quickly. There’s not much I can do about any of these being present, in time they will heal. However, when I think about the uncertain length of my recovery and all that it entails, it is overwhelming and scary. From almost the beginning my husband and my friend Myndi, had me begin to just focus on the day alone. This has been a powerful practice that has helped me tremendously when my thoughts desire to spiral into uncertainty. Keeping present not only prevents me from catastrophizing and being overwhelmed, but it allows me to focus on the day and make the most of it since tomorrow truly isn’t guaranteed. My friend Beth has reminded me, “Today is the only day we are given.”
Matthew 6:34 says not to be anxious about tomorrow. We are told to let go of all the anxiety and “what ifs” that can lead us into fearful waters and make us restless about things that may never come to pass. Those “what ifs” that also stop us from living this day for what it is- our present gift. I can worry about something that may never be or I can live this day well for the Lord. Both choices are present before me but one has me ruled by fear and the other leads to actively living the one gift we are given- today. Making the most of the day before me helps me to be more intentional with those I love the most.
God’s wisdom here is powerful. It truly is the cure for anxiety. In it, we find peace to let tomorrow be God’s domain. As we actively live in the present, we learn to rest in His daily provision and care, He gives us the grace we need just for the day. Furthermore, verse 33 tells us how we should live in the present, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Seeking first the kingdom and righteousness of God is the essential purpose of our lives as believers. It fortifies that trust relationship so that we may know tomorrow is safe in God’s hands and it allows us to make the first things our priority.
The question we must ask is where have we been living and for whom? I pray we become people who live greatly each day for the Lord and trust Him with the unknown. I am learning to do this every day and it has given me a powerful freedom over a difficult situation. I wake up each day trusting the Lord afresh for what lies presently ahead and giving Him the thoughts that are too great for me. Every day He meets me and shows Himself faithful indeed.
Thank you for sharing these encouraging words of wisdom.
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